The knowing-doing gap is a perfect example of one of the many challenges that organisations are faced with on their journey attempt.

Organisations trying to establish an effective transformation division need an independent entity to think outside of the box, and take some drastic initiatives to make some tangible impact. CEO’s and their board are in a marathon, trying to achieve tangible results quickly and cost effectively, due to the global economy financial challenge
Many new CEOs come in with a mandate to transform the company-including its strategy, business model, organisation, operations and culture.
A transformation is not a series of incremental changes. Rather, it is a fundamental reboot that enables a business to achieve a dramatic, sustainable improvement in performance and alter the trajectory of its future. Because they are comprehensive by nature, transformations are complex endeavours, and the majority fall short of expectation for achieving their target value, coming in on time, or doing both.
As part of LeadVision’s knowledge sharing from our R&D transformation journey in designing and development (4 innovative patents and 3 major enterprise solutions, framework, process and approach including LeadVision’s crown jewel DTPE – Digital Transformation Platform Enterprise) we realised the majority of transformation initiative across various industries were still failing, and discovered some of the root causes and developed some rules that we felt needed to be reviewed carefully
Rule 1: Transformation needs a new breed of leadership. Many of the current transformation leaders have moved from within the current system, with the same classic thinking and traditional approach, that was a leading part of the organisation hitting the wall.
Rule 2: All service and solution providers who have had their chance, can’t suddenly wear a new hat and start the transformation, because they were part of the reason the business hit a wall in the first place by over engineering, complex processes, framework and approaches.
Rule 3: inject fresh new blood, with the hope they can drive transformation, before they get influenced by traditional consultants’ jargon and brainwashed by 20th century technology.
Rule 4: You can’t expect to form a dynamic team, to participate in the most pioneering initiative “Digital Transformation” using members who were part of the initial problem.
Rule 5: Empower business to control their own destiny, in the area of operation, process and resource optimisation with simple solutions and tools.
The reality is, nothing will ever change if none of the above rules ever get adopted, so internal and external driving forces must ensure at least some of these rules are actioned, because there is more to lose than gain, if they just maintain the status quo.
Some organisations are still thinking they are doing digital transformation, because they carry the title, or they are part of the newly formed division with zero idea of what digital transformation even means.
LeadVision’s innovation and DTPE objective was to enable a smooth transformation journey. DTPE – is the first global platform built from the ground up, with touch of AI, Machine Learning, Voice command and much more, because we realised there are a few lessons learned that organisations can leverage.
Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
"The knowing Doing Gap" a book by Jeffery Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton, is a great read to shed some light on common corporate mistakes since 2003.